Charissa Bloomberg

With Integrity By Charissa Bloomberg, Celebrity Psychologist and Integrity Specialist. CEO Hidden Dimensions and Integrity Forum

“We need to raise the integrity meter. Integrity costs nothing, but when you lose it, you lose everything”.

Celebrity Psychologist and Integrity Specialist, Charissa Bloomberg together with iFacts, are thrilled to announce the launch of their first integrity course
at the University of Johannesburg School of Tourism and Hospitality. The course is both theoretical and practical, allowing students to learn the basics of integrity and giving them the opportunity to put this into practice. The programme has been rolled out through the School of Tourism and Hospitality’s Work Integrated Learning (WIL) coordinator, Tracy Daniels. Bloomberg is so grateful to her for opening her doors to the students to learn and grow in a much needed arena. Integrity and soft skills are essential for 3rd and
4th year students who will enter the workplace for their WIL internships. Daniels has said that ‘it is the responsibility of the university to not only equip students with the academic knowledge for success but also with the soft skills that are increasingly demanded in the workplace. Following the devastating impacts of the COVID 19 pandemic on the tourism and hospitality industries, students who act with integrity as they enter these industries are essential for recovery and future sustainability. As we groom future entrepreneurs, innovative thinkers and leaders, integrity is an essential consideration’

After qualifying through an assessment and signing an Integrity Pledge, a certificate of integrity is issued to each successful student. The online modules are combined with virtual training, talks, and integrity assessments. Bloomberg brings excitement by having guests on her training to share experiences of how integrity pays in the workplace. Thanks to her guest David Paul Allan who shared his real life law firm experiences. Bloomberg has been working hard to implement Integrity training internationally and to make it
accessible to everyone. She believes integrity is essential in all walks of life, and this is ground breaking. Thanks to iFacts for their collaboration in developing the programme. Jenny Reid (CEO, iFacts) says, ‘’sadly in the times we live integrity is not part of daily life and leaders often do not lead with integrity. We have an obligation to encourage integrity in the lives of the youth and the project with UJ has been great start for this”. This is a break through as the students are our future leaders and we need integrity development to be part
of tertiary education internationally. The students also completed an exciting assignment where they went into the community to display integrity.

Details of the ground breaking assignments with visuals can be provided on request. We have added an extra training program to nominate integrity ambassadors to be role models in their field. Students volunteer to be part of this movement and they have to do a group assignment in order to earn their certificates. Bloomberg hopes that other universities will follow UJ’s lead. She is proud to have Prof Thuli Madonsela as her patron. “We need to raise the integrity meter. Integrity costs nothing, but when it loose it, you lose everything” Charissa Bloomberg iFacts offers integrity leadership online modules. The results of this partnership has been remarkable as all STH final students enrolled for the modules, with positive feedback and suggestions’ given by the students. Ms Bloomberg’s expertise and profile granted her prominent opportunities in the media and entertainment industry. She is best known as the “Integrity Specialist Guru”, radio & TV celebrity psychologist and media activist. Featured on the Faizal Sayed show and South Africa’s award winning breakfast show “Expresso” on multiple series of interviews. Presently her centre of attention is the urge to build integrity in corporate spaces. Focusing on the cost of low integrity in organisations. Bloomberg’s Integrity Forum is honoured to partake in the ambassador’s programme engaging in corporate social responsibility through our UJ team and celebrating STH final years with recognition certification. For more info please go to

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